
I am looking for old accounting books. if you have some, used or not, I am interested in it!


lisboa sous la pluie (2)

lisboa under the rain
lisboa under the rain
lisboa under the rain
lisboa under the rain
blogged on urban sketchers

5 commentaires:

Da Coffee Time a dit…

tu vas te faire une tendinite a force de trop dessiner fais gaffe !!!

lapin a dit…

là c'est à force de poncer que je vais me bousiller le bras ;)

Anonyme a dit…

great drawings once again! Great drawings from my country!
sorry for asking but i want to know something: using watercolor, you start by applying some soft and light washes, right?


lapin a dit…

andré; that's it, and then I paint with more and more contrast…

Anonyme a dit…

Quando chove Lisboa fica um caos.
