
I am looking for old accounting books. if you have some, used or not, I am interested in it!


illustration now! portraits

illustration now! portraits
I get published in the last taschen illustration now! portraits, a great selection of illustrators from all over the world, yeah!

7 commentaires:

clara a dit…

¡que grande eres!. Felicidades y gracias por tu trabajo.

hfm a dit…

Je te félicite!

senoajisketsa a dit…

marvelous work you've got here:)) i'm curious why you use accounting paper instead canson or moleskine?


Pablo Lara H a dit…


Andrea Longhi a dit…


Mónica Bracons a dit…

que chulada, una preciosidad, como siempre!

Valéry Lorenzo a dit…

Bravo ! Joli ! Je vais me le procurer sous peu...donc !