congratulation to the winners to this 5th lapin-lottery: patricia, mark dodge medlin, ramya ramakrishnan, tineke and liz (as far as they were 2 "liz" participating, I have no other choice than offer the book to both of you, and sorry liz steel, you did not win again!).
I'm waiting for your addresses (send to my contact, on the right side).
the book will be for sale in the coming days on my online "boutique".
thanks to all of you for participating!
6 commentaires:
Louise so cute. Unfortunatly it wasn't me :,(
Thank you Louise for pick up my name, I am so happy =D you make my day!
She's so cute!!!!
Wooohaaa! I never won anything in a lottery before! Maybe my luck is changing - I immediately went out to buy a Lottery ticket ;-)
Big thanks to Louise (very cute indeed) and also to Lapin. Doing happy dances in front of my computer now :-D
Elle est trop mimi!!! En petite bretonne en plus j'adore! ;-)
Oh wow wow wow! :D
I've never won something like this before! So honoured!
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