santo domingo, here we are!
some of the european urban sketchers instructors and I met yesterday in madrid to fly together to santo domingo.
it was like having an "urban sketchers airline": I was surrounded by "la crème de la crème" of the correspondents. on my side was simonetta capecchi and swasky, in front of me, josé louro, miguel herranz and inma serrano, and behind me claudio patanè.
between 2 movies, I manage to sketch the mood on board!
9 hours latter, orling, loulou & co was waiting for us at the airport, to go together to the historic district.
here we met liz steel (who already filled her first sketchbook, wow!) and borromini bear, who invite us to sketch at 10am today.
we are already training for the symposium! 2 days left before the 3rd woodstock of sketching, stay tuned!
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