the serious stuff are going on now!
after a breakfast with shiho, the correspondent from los angeles, we all went to the opening of the symposium leaded by gabi, orling, elisabeth and jason. than, every sketcher went to the first workshop. I attend to mélanie reim & nathalie ramirez “mercado merengue” workshop. they gave us 3 directive: sketching the all place, telling a story and creating patterns behind the scene. I enjoyed a lot sketching the locals there, as “camilo & camila”…
at lunch, we followed the recommendation of nathalie ramirez, and ate in a vegetarian reggae restaurant, yummy!
at 2:30 started the first lecture “dibuja caracas” by ricardo benaim, about the social and political implication of sketching in some “unfriendly” districts of the city. than I joined lynne chapman’s workshop “quick on the draw” and learn the secrets of her “sexy line”!
I started sketching the cathedral by the end of the day, when a group of kids surrounded me. verenice was so cute that I had to sketch her…
finally we all met for a drink and draw in “quintana bar” until late in the evening.
a great start, and lots of sketching tips and great meetings.
see you tomorrow for the report of the 2nd symposium day!
2 commentaires:
Génial de les voir tous comme ça ! J'aimerais bien en savoir plus sur ce symposium... Est ce que c'est ouvert à tous ? la fréquence... Parce que se retrouver comme ça dans la planète des sketchers ça doit être géant !
bigoudene46: le symposium est ouvert à tous bien entendu, bien que le nombre de participants est limité.
toutes les infos du précédents sont là:
el l'été prochain, ce devrait être en europe, raison de plus pour y aller!
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