
I am looking for old accounting books. if you have some, used or not, I am interested in it!


"barcelona original" lottery

to celebrate my last book "barcelona original", it's time for the traditional "lapin-lottery"!
louise will pick up 3 names from the comments of this post, to win a dedicate copy.
you have until thirsday midnight, barcelona hour, to get a chance to win your first christmas gift.
let's play!
"barcelona original" lottery
"barcelona original" lottery

110 commentaires:

Michael a dit…

I would love to win this!

Corinne Raes a dit…

On peut toujours essayer!!!! Bonne année Lapin! XXX

Ági a dit…

We were looking for this book for sooo long after making the mistake of not getting a copy in Barcelona!! I really would like to have a copy of it now! :)

Rohit Kulkarni a dit…

Wow.. I would love a copy of this book..

mentiroso compulsivo a dit…

Congratulations from Portugal for this amazing book! I would love to win this!

tartanpions a dit…

J'espère que je vais gagner ce coup ci hein ma petite Louise😍😗

Xantal a dit…

Win win win

nettculture a dit…

I don't have any old accounted books but I do have a neat place for this book ;-)

V Gonzalez a dit…

I have your Paris book and its amaaaazing, I would love to have Barcelona also, and signed? wow! <3

bristolstomp a dit…

i would love a copy!!!❤️

helenlp a dit…

Pick me Louise, pick me ❤ !

Marc Dejoux - Carnets et Détours - a dit…

Allez Louise ! :)

LaGaby Ga Arts a dit…

Lapin ,lapin ❤your dibujos.

testponta a dit…

Oui oui !!

Unknown a dit…

Merry Christmas, said the little Goldfish! ❤

Unknown a dit…

s'il te plait , s'il te plait, s'il te plait papa roi mage ... : ) s'il te plait .... Barcelone me manque tellement!

Unknown a dit…

Siempre es un placer admirar tus obras

Caro a dit…

It's chrismas time... ;O)

Jeroen Janssen a dit…

Je vais déjà réorganiser un peu ma bibliothèque pour accueillir ce trésor :-)

Arnaud Ball a dit…

Waouhh, super genial !! J'adore Barcelone! J'adore les croquis ! J'adore les croquis de Barcelone !! J'adore les lapins
J'adore les croquis de Barcelone de Lapin !!!
Je croise les doigts ...

Unknown a dit…

LAPIN FOR PRESIDENT!!!!! You are a great artist!!!!!

pat a dit…

I would love to win a copy of Barcelona

Martine Kervagoret a dit…

J'adore les loteries de lapin ....bonnes fêtes a tutta la famiglia

Elaine Vitikainen a dit…

This is amazing! I would love to have this book and be inspired by it. Thanks!

Janis a dit…

Fantastic! I would love to have this book!!

Unknown a dit…

Me encantaría ganarlo! Barcelona es una de mis ciudades favoritas!

DieBirte a dit…

... would love to have this on my nightable, i would fall asleep with a smile!

Umberto Torricelli a dit…

Here I am! 😀

TheBestOfMyDay a dit…

A-W-E-S-O-M-E work ����

Francesca a dit…

J'amerais moi aussi le gagner :-) je ne suis jamais allée à Barcelone...donc ca serait ma première guide illustrée (par un grand dessinateur). Bonne chance à tout le monde!

ireneu a dit…

I would love to have this book!! And visit Barcelona. Amazing work, Lapin!

jbm a dit…

ben moi aussi alors !!!

Marie Christine a dit…

J'aimerais bien jouer aussi. J'aime beaucoup ! :-)

Marcia a dit…

I started to learn aquarelle a few months ago when my teacher here in Brazil introduce Lapin´s art for me and since then I consider his art so inspiring.
I don't know if I deserve, because I´m just a student of art, but I would love to win this wondeful art book. Thanks for the opportunity!

Unknown a dit…

Your work is beautiful and I'd love a copy!
@pjmoran (tweet me if I win 😀)

Unknown a dit…


Vicky a dit…

This would be a treasure. It's so full of wonderful sketches!

Unknown a dit…

salut lapin,
j'aimerais bien gagné ce joli book of barcelona ! je l'offrirais à ma chérie !
une bonne fin d'année pleine de croquis de sapins !

le Méli Mélo de Val a dit…

je croise les doigts. Merci.

Matthieu a dit…

Le sort en est jeté

Joanjsketch a dit…

wauuu Lapin este aun no lo tengo asi que probaremos suerte

NIA a dit…

:O Me encantaria tener una copia. Disfruto su trabajo desde que cogi el curso en Sketchbook Skool.

jangel a dit…

just beautiful mycket vackert

rapha a dit…


Unknown a dit…

My family and I just decided we aren't going to buy presents for the adults, only for the children. Being a Big kid, I'm a bit disappointed so a genuine Lapin would be a great gift all adults (and the children too) Will love!

Unknown a dit…

This would be sweet ! Thanks for the chance to win !

Unknown a dit…

Seria un bonito regalo de navidad :)

Unknown a dit…

Por favoooor!! Quiero uno!!

michel darteyre a dit…

Un bon Noël à tout le monde..superbe livre quand même!!

ap.lucie20 a dit…

Ce serait un très beau cadeau de Noël pour mes petits souliers ... à lire près de la cheminée

ftessa a dit…

Quiero mi copia LAPIN!!!

Filipe Duarte Almeida a dit…

It will be a fine present, that's for sure.

mamancass4 a dit…

I think I may be a bit late to win the contest. I just spent an hour and a half waiting on a delayed train. (this is my excuse).

Pam a dit…

Ooh, this could go right next to my copy of your Paris book!

Unknown a dit…

I think it's only fair that a copy of your book "Barcelona" makes it's way to Australia and spends some time in my home, .... After all it's summer over here and much more fun. I could take my book to the beach, ... take it surfing. We could sit outside in the sun and eat a beautiful meal while I devour the sketches on each page ...... Much better than cold Europe ..... send it over here .. :D

Unknown a dit…

I would love for this to be headed my way, even if it arrives after Christmas.

Rosemary a dit…

This would be a wonderful compliment to your book "Moderisme" that I bought in Barcelona!!! I love it!

Unknown a dit…

Será perfecto para combinarlo con el de París que compré este verano en Artazart!

Un saludo

Anonyme a dit…

Pour mon petit Diego qui croque depuis qu''il vous a rencontré ce serait cool :)

Nancy a dit…

Beautiful book...I would love to win one ! If not , where can I buy it? Thanks.

Glenn Tyler a dit…

Wonderful work, thanks for sharing it with us.

MoriGirl a dit…

Lovely book, I hope to win one.

Unknown a dit…

Have been a fan since my Architecture professor, Matt Brehm, showed the class your work. Please never stop sketching!

Sherry André a dit…

What a gorgeous feast for the eyes. Congratulations on this beautiful book.

Gwen Cowart a dit…

Ah, Barcelona...what a wonderful gift!

Rose a dit…

A very kind and generous gesture, Lapin. Wishing you and your family a peaceful, happy christmas. Rose

MiataGrrl a dit…

Louise, please choose me! :-)


Nikira a dit…

I would Love to get your book! :D

Anonyme a dit…

I have the other one, now I need this one!! :)

Nita Ang a dit…

You have always been an inspiration so I hope I will be one of the lucky three to win. Good luck everyone :D

Janice L-H a dit…

Yes! Please choose me!

Unknown a dit…

It could be a beautiful Christmas gift ! *_*

Nancy Patton Wilson a dit…

Hello Lapin, I took a class from your at SBS and I really love your work. I have your Paris sketchbook and would be so happy to have the Barcelona one too! You're the best.

Sylvie Bargain a dit…

Allez, je retente le coup ! Magnifique ta couverture, très classe... et très Barcelone !

vanessa a dit…

je tente ma chance !! Ca compléterait ma série (Paris, Istanbul). Et joyeux noël Lapin, à toi et tes proches !

Unknown a dit…

Je tente ma chance aussi, pour les dessins de lapin et en souvenir du Sketchbus tour en Isère, pour Barcelone et pour le plaisir de participer à ma première lapin-lottery

Unknown a dit…

Je serais ravie d'ajouter ce livre de Lapin à ma collection... Merci d'avance petit papa Noël :) et joyeuses fêtes !

Alex&Arlette a dit…

ohlalala, mais il y bcp de monde sur la liste! Good Luck !

pssst Louise: Apple+Tab-"Alex&Arlette", that's it, good girl :)

Marcelo de Deus a dit…


Unknown a dit…

This is a beautiful book. Choose me please.

Canan a dit…

Moi aussi J'en veux une!

ClaireB a dit…

Ne jamais désespérer... même si ça devient de plus en plus difficile comme loterie ! ;-)

Andreu a dit…

Jo també el vull!

Liz Liebenberg a dit…

Another wonderful book, capturing the magic of Barcelona! Congratulations Lapin :)

Unknown a dit…

Magnifique dessin qui me font rêver...

Monica a dit…

Your work is such an inspiration. I would love to win the book. Thanks for all your instructional lessons in SBS.

naaman60 a dit…

Beautiful! Congratulations from London!

eiriarte a dit…

Lo intento una vez mas.....

Zorionak lapin, lapinette et Louise.


La World Coolture a dit…

J'ai son petit frère de Cuba sous le sapin. Le pauvret se sent bien seul alors je participe pour lui offrir un copain ! 😉 merci pour ce concours !

Unknown a dit…

This would have pride of place in my Spanish home..and if not, still have a great Christmas!

Unknown a dit…

Would love to have a Lapin on my bookshelf!
Beautiful! ��

Lolo Wagner a dit…

Allez je retente ma chance, il a l'air vraiment chouette ton bouquin !

Unknown a dit…

Wonderful idea!

Lis Watkins a dit…

Would love to have this on my bookshelf!

Jennifer McLean a dit…

I just wanted to add a Merry Christmas to you. Your students from SBS appreciate your talent and also these generous giveaways. This certainly would be a lovely thing to have under the tree. I hope your season is full of many more delightful drawings.

Lin a dit…

Gorgeous sketches!

Unknown a dit…

If I can't come to Barcelona to see for myself, what would be better than seeing it through your eyes!

Marta a dit…

Thank you for sharing the cities in that way! : D I love it!

Unknown a dit…

Großartig! Oder ein Wort meiner Jugend: Welt!

Cittone a dit…

Io ci provo
Sei un grande!
Complimenti per i tuoi lavori

matt cram a dit…

Hello to my favorite foosball partner... Please consider this my entry for a book. Salute.

Agnès Bolley-Vittot a dit…

Je retente ma chance... a quand une visite dans le Pacifique? dans les terres australes?
allez Louise , un pt effort, replonge bien ta main!
Bonnes fêtes d'année a vous!

Kate Robertson a dit…

This book looks so beautiful that it takes my breath away. I would love to win a copy of this. I'm from Idaho in the western US, I've never been to Barcelona but would love to see it through your drawings.

Kate in snowy Idaho.

Linda T a dit…

Delightful drawings!!

Dulce Delgado a dit…

No contexto da comunidade europeia a que pertencemos....falta aqui um comentário em Português!!

tempsdefloretes a dit…

Ooooooohhhh!!!! Que maco el llibre. M'encanta. Rosa

Jennie a dit…

Congratulations on what looks to be another amazing book!

elisabet a dit…

Bon Nadal, m'agradaria una copia del llibre,son entranyables els teus sketchs!

elisabet a dit…

Bon Nadal, m'agradaria una copia del llibre,son entranyables els teus sketchs!

Unknown a dit…

je les cherches partoute Barcelone et je n'arrive pas à trouver! Je voudrais beaucoup gagner!