
I am looking for old accounting books. if you have some, used or not, I am interested in it!


lapin à la conquète de la planète…

…et ça commence par vos boites aux lettres, subtilement camouflé dans les catalogues intermarché. ahahah ahah…

5 commentaires:

Anonyme a dit…

Ouhla, des poules dessinées par un lapin, on s'y perd ! Elles sont rigolotes, ces vignettes ! Je vais arrêter de jeter ma pub, moi...

Anonyme a dit…

hé hé, pareil que Ninys !

Anonyme a dit…

Waouh, les vaches sont plus vraies que nature !
Attention je ne dis pas que le reste n'est pas magnifiquement dessiné... ^^

Karina Kuschnir a dit…

Dear Lapin,
your drawings are so wonderful... I found your blog in some EDM (Every Day Matters) site. Yesterday I spent more than an hour trying to see every post.. The nude, the titouan, all the faces and things become poetry with this loose line style of yours... Even the hard buildings and churches become softer and nicer in your drawings. And I didn´t mention the colors, also wonderfuly choosen and painted! Sometimes I was chock that you draw so many beatiful stuff in any cheap peace of paper... but it seems everything comes so easily to you that you dont mind... probably you have hundreds of other drawings in nice frames... do you?

Sorry for this long commentaire, but I really mean it.

Please, keep posting. Could you post something about your art training? (I saw the sudio drawing with 2 computers.)

all the best,
(please, don~t mind my English. I am not a native speaker.)

lapin a dit…

yo,merci !
bon même si faut pas non plus s'attendre à des merveilles dans le catalogue, c'est imprimé grossièrement à côté de formidables opérations promo…

karina : wow, that's really plaisant to read that kind of comment.
I enjoy to know that you spend an hour looking at my drawings - after nearly one year bloging, that means I do well to use my scanner every day…
At the moment, I'm not really used to frame my drawings, I did few exhibitions only, whenever I still like sketching on old dirty paper, sorry for that, but I love it.
at last, if you'd like to see some "computer-art", let's have a look on my agent website: http://valerieoualid.com/lapin/lapin.php
and in a few time on my own website . (my english is worse then yours… I apologize)