
I am looking for old accounting books. if you have some, used or not, I am interested in it!



sant lluc
yesterday, at "el circulo artistico de sant lluc" was an experimentation of sketching the movement.
2 contemporary dancers did a show of an hour while we were sketching them. I loved it!
I fill 60 pages of it… and I will look for the next cession.

3 commentaires:

szaza a dit…

They look marvellous!
Such nice linework.

yerreyese a dit…

Movimiento alucinante, toques de color en su justa medida, y ese rotulador que parece estar medio seco= Buen trabajo.

lapin a dit…

szaza: the kind of cession you would love, it was so great!

b.r.: muchas gracias, el exercisio vale la pena.